I received an email from a support Admin at a very large and well known TE alerting me to the fact a known bot cheater may be a member at TrafficJam Pro. The member was identified. Along with his email and several banned IP addresses. I prepared an email to the suspected member notifying them of the problem and their account was being suspended until they could provide information regarding their identity. I thought I was sending the email "only" to the person in question. I hit the wrong button and the email went out to the entire membership. I have been answering emails and support tickets on the matter for hours. Here is the information I received: (personal information has been altered)
"bot cheater Axxxxxx Bxxxxx is back again
this time going by:
Jxxx Bxxxx
Username: jxxxbxxxx
The email was not meant for all the members, only the suspected cheater. Sorry for the alarm. Your accounts are in good standing. It was not my intention to alarm or scare any of wonderful TrafficJam Pro members who are honest, thoughtful and professional.
I'm sorry you have a cheater amongst your wonderful membership. Joys of the internet! =/
ReplyDeleteWhile I'm not a member of your TE, I applaud your timely efforts to keep your TE clean and professional.
As for the emailing error. It happens. I'm sure your membership will understand the accidental emailing. =)
Best wishes on your continued success!
~ Barbara
I'm sorry they are still people trying to cheat every where.
ReplyDeleteAs for the email to everyone, nobody is perfect and to make an error is human. You have react fast about it. A proof of a great admin and respect for your members.