The newest online branding site is free. Build your IM faceplate, enter your profile and personal data. Link to your social network profiles. Build the page up with suitable articles and watch the system work for you.

While the traffic experts talk about this way and that way to get to tons of laser beamed traffic to your site, they always seem to forget to mention how they get traffic by being a traffic grabbing parasite.
That shouldn’t come as a surprise to you when you consider the simple fact that dominating search engines like Google will flood your site with prospects who will whip out their credit cards at the drop of a hat.
In fact, being a traffic parasite was so profitable that the big parasite hosts started banning IM and business opportunity related affiliates from using their services. Traffic parasites would use other people’s website to advertise lists of favourite exchanges, safelists and home based business opportunities.
That’s why even long time owners of traffic exchanges can’t use Ezine Articles or Squidoo to promote their sites.
And if you are anything like me – then you know deep within your heart – that it is wrong to stifle the message of creating life changing income, right? But that was yesterday…Today your voice can be heard.
Logiscape just launched IM faceplate where you can use their reputation and their hosting to drive traffic to your sites without having to worry about being censored by people who really don’t have a clue about affiliate marketing.
And I am sure you will agree if the folks at Logiscape know one thing about internet marketing – it’s getting traffic! I know that getting traffic by being a traffic parasite may seem a bit incredible to you, that’s totally understandable. Being a traffic parasite reaps visitors like there is no tomorrow, all I ask is that you start getting IMfaceplate traffic from this page and watch the amazing results.
It is free to sign up. What more can you ask for? As always, I am never going to recommend any product or service that will not help you with your online marketing. This service will help – and it is free.
written by Colin F. Brennan July 2, 2010
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